
Over four decades Bonas MacFarlane has been placing full-time tutors with families. We send tutors across the world to undertake short holiday assignments and for long-term placements. Tutors live with or near the family and deliver education in the home.

This form of education can transform a child’s performance and motivation in the most profound way. The education is tailored to the needs of the individual child. Tutors establish clear goals and provide regular feedback to parents and our support team in London, who have all worked as full-time residential tutors. Parents can rely on a Bonas MacFarlane residential tutor to be reliable and effective, properly prepared and closely supervised.

Alongside formal learning in the home, residential tutors organise all kinds of activities and educational experiences for their pupil. They undertake a great deal of learning beyond the classroom, talking with each other throughout the day including mealtimes.

The tutor and student come to know one another really well. Full-time tutors understand the child’s interests, likes and dislikes. They understand how family dynamics influence the child’s general level of confidence.

The tutors we introduce to familiies all have first-rate academic backgrounds. They provide an inspiring example for children, helping them to self-regulate and develop positive behaviour patterns. Families often form long-term friendships with their tutor.

Programmes last from a few weeks to up to a year or longer. A residential tutor can work with any number of siblings, typically delivering two to five hours of tuition per day, mixed in with sports and creative activities.

Full-time residential tuition is a superb way to make better use of the long school holidays. During term time, the tutor provides much needed support and extra teaching outside of the school timetable. Residential tutors can also deliver a home-schooling programme for children that are not in formal education.

The Good Schools Guide

Comments from the latest ( 2021) review of Bonas MacFarlane.

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