A-Level Results Day!

What is clearing and What should I do this Results Day?

A Level Results Day comes around every year in mid-August, the day when year 13 students receive their A level results and can confirm where they will be off to university. But what if the results are not what you expected and how can you manage that?

Our first piece of advice is, do not panic, there are many options when it comes to university and there will be right paths for you. 

So what is clearing? 

Clearing is the process where universities advertise places that they still have available for students to take up for that upcoming September. Those places are available for students who have been unsuccessful with their Conditional Offers, or for students who did not apply the year before but wish to start studying that September. 

What can you do before Results Day? 

Clearing is open now and universities are sharing their places available already. All clearing options are advertised on UCAS. If you’re worried about your recent exams it might be worth researching what options are available, and having a list of those universities with courses available. 

What happens on Results Day? 

UCAS will update your portal from 8.30am UK time. You might receive your results already from your school beforehand. But be aware that with millions of students waiting for their results, it isn’t unusual for the UCAS website to be very slow. If you have achieved the grades required for your chosen course, UCAS will confirm your place! 

Who do I speak to if I don’t meet my offers? 

If you haven’t received any offers, firstly don’t panic. Use the UCAS website to see what similar courses on offer. Keep in mind what style of university is important to you, campus or city? And you might need to choose a course that slightly differs from your original choices, something with combined offers, typically will have more places available than one single subject.
One useful number is the UCAS phone line – 0371 468 0 468. They’re available 8.30am to 6pm. 

What happens after Results Day? 

After Results day your chosen university will be in touch to confirm accommodation and your start dates. If you have gone through clearing to find your place, then some additional time will be needed to arrange your accommodation. You can also join different groups on social media to start making friends ahead of your course. 

Need any help?

Bonas MacFarlane has many years of experience supporting students with finding their path. If Results Day hasn’t gone the way you hoped, or you would like any advice please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us (follow our Instagram for updates).