We hope you enjoy this, please follow for new article alerts. Brought to you by the team at Bonas MacFarlane and our talented and terrific tutors, mentors and consultants. If there is a topic you would like us to cover or for any comments or suggestions please email us at [email protected]

Gardening with Children

The magnolias of Kensington are gradually erupting into bloom and signalling that spring is upon us. With longer days and daylight after school, now is

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How to revise for your GCSEs

GCSEs: a four-lettered acronym that strikes fear, frustration and ferocious amounts of stress into the minds of students, parents and teachers alike. However, exams shouldn’t

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Exam Tips for Scientists

With exams on the horizon, most students are starting to establish a regular revision pattern. Science revision presents its own unique challenges, so we have

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Digitificial Intelligence

AI is an unfathomably powerful accelerator, carried along by relentless currents. Like all great advances, it is the product of a long progression. Each has

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Boarding Schools Show Spring Tour 2024 sponsored by Bonas MacFarlane

Spring Tour 2024

At Bonas MacFarlane Education, we are dedicated to guiding families through the intricate education journey, helping them find the perfect fit for their children’s academic

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ISEB Pre-Test Course

The ISEB Pre-Test, also known as the Independent Schools Examinations Board Pre-Test, is a critical assessment designed for students seeking admission to independent schools in the United

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Summer Reading 2023

As families head off for their holidays, I am frequently asked for advice on summer learning. Some of my students – especially those with imminent exams

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What Is Neurodiversity?

Whether it’s prep school or senior school, it’s important to think about a student’s learning profile. That’s the idea that people process information in different

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Carry on camping

Going back to school for the holidays? It’s much more exciting than it sounds. ‘I do love the beginning of the summer hols. They always

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Eton College

King Henry VI had a rough start to his reign. Sure, 2020 was a cosmically dreadful year, but be grateful you weren’t him kicking about

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For No One

I had not heard the song ‘For No One’ in years. Then, earlier in the week I saw this recording: There is a story behind

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Town vs Country School

The seemingly endless discussion surrounding the choice between a city school and its rural equivalent is far from novel. Some might point out that it’s

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War in Ukraine

Just when the long shadow cast by the horrors of the twentieth century appears to be passing into history, a replay of the sternest days

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Our Return to Dubai

The most prestigious British curriculum boarding schools from the UK, Europe and Asia, all under one roof. The British Boarding Schools Show Returns to the

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Why Reading Is Fun-damental

The benefits of reading from an early age are well-documented. Reading for pleasure has been proven to help students develop more extensive vocabulary, greater concentration,

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Prince Philip HRH 1990 Zorba

Thanking Zorba

“We give thanks as a nation and a kingdom for the extraordinary life and work of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh”; almost none of us

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The exams start NOW

Christmas cancelled, new variants, school closed and six weeks into lockdown 3.0 – it’s been a tough start to 2021, and the question on all

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Tutor the Nation

Charles Bonas has been busy helping to set up a new charity. Last August, Jacky Lambert, an honorary fellow at St Hugh’s, Oxford, decided to

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Students studying at desks

A day in the life…

The secrets behind the Bonas MacFarlane tutor recruitment method. Top of the leaderboard, with an average rating of 4.88 (out of 5), can Bonas MacFarlane keep

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Tutor reading a book to student at home

Take-away tutors

by Harry Constant I recently heard someone say that they are looking forward to the moment when things become precedented again after Covid 19. I

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tutor talking to student in front of laptop computer

Residential Tuition

The educational landscape has shifted significantly in 2020, with online schooling and tuition becoming the norm. This has worked well for many and has highlighted

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University Application Strategy

Our tailored Extension Reading Series gives you the tools to critically engage with your subject

#UPP #Bonasmacfarlane #readingseries #universitypreparation #Oxbridge #russellgroup #ivyleague #acceptance #application #success

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